Thank you to everyone for your comments and feedback on our new site. We feel we are still in the “beta” type testing of the roll out as we find new things to add and new changes we want to implement. For example, on the home page one of the buttons were were tinkering around with was the “View our Sold Gallery” in the middle of the page. When we came up with that we weren’t exactly sure what we were going to put there….recently sold homes, every sold home, text or just photo’s, etc. One thing that we thought would be useful and beneficial to people moving to the area would be a Top Ten list. This could be anything from the top ten homes of the week, to the top ten places to sled, or the top 10 romantic restaurants to pick from for this upcoming Valentines Day. What got us started on this idea was actually a
list of things you should know before you move to the Peoria area. You can visit that link by clicking or checking out the post above.